התמונה עשויה להיות ייצוג.
ראה מפרטים לפרטי מוצר.




SY100EP111UTG-TR belongs to the category of electronic components.


It is commonly used in electronic circuits for signal processing and data transmission.


  • High-speed performance
  • Low power consumption
  • Small form factor
  • Wide operating voltage range


SY100EP111UTG-TR is available in a compact surface mount package.


The essence of SY100EP111UTG-TR lies in its ability to process high-frequency signals accurately and efficiently.


Each package of SY100EP111UTG-TR contains 100 units.

Specifications and Parameters

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Input Frequency Range: 0Hz - 2GHz
  • Output Frequency Range: 0Hz - 2GHz
  • Power Consumption: 50mW
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C

Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of SY100EP111UTG-TR is as follows:

  1. VCC
  2. GND
  3. CLK_IN
  4. CLK_OUT
  5. DATA_IN
  8. RESET

Functional Characteristics

SY100EP111UTG-TR offers the following functional characteristics:

  • High-speed clock and data signal synchronization
  • Differential input and output capability
  • Built-in enable and reset functions
  • Low jitter and skew

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High-speed performance enables efficient signal processing
  • Low power consumption helps in reducing overall energy usage
  • Small form factor allows for space-saving designs
  • Wide operating voltage range provides flexibility in various applications


  • Limited compatibility with certain older circuit designs
  • Higher cost compared to some alternative models

Applicable Range of Products

SY100EP111UTG-TR is suitable for use in various electronic systems, including:

  • Communication equipment
  • Data transmission devices
  • High-speed data processing systems
  • Networking devices

Working Principles

SY100EP111UTG-TR operates based on the principles of high-speed digital signal processing and synchronization. It receives clock and data signals as inputs, processes them using internal circuitry, and provides synchronized output signals.

Detailed Application Field Plans

SY100EP111UTG-TR can be applied in the following fields:

  1. Telecommunications: Used in high-speed data transmission systems.
  2. Computer Networking: Employed in network switches and routers for efficient data processing.
  3. Test and Measurement: Utilized in equipment for accurate signal analysis.
  4. Broadcast and Video: Incorporated in video processing systems for seamless signal synchronization.
  5. Industrial Automation: Applied in control systems requiring precise timing and data synchronization.

Detailed Alternative Models

Some alternative models to SY100EP111UTG-TR include:

  1. SY100EP111U
  2. SY100EP112UTG
  3. SY100EP113UTG
  4. SY100EP114UTG
  5. SY100EP115UTG

5 Common Technical Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is the maximum operating frequency of SY100EP111UTG-TR? A: The maximum operating frequency is 2GHz.

  2. Q: Can SY100EP111UTG-TR operate with a lower voltage than 3.3V? A: No, it requires a minimum operating voltage of 3.3V.

  3. Q: Does SY100EP111UTG-TR support differential signaling? A: Yes, it has differential input and output capability.

  4. Q: What is the power consumption of SY100EP111UTG-TR? A: The power consumption is 50mW.

  5. Q: Can SY100EP111UTG-TR be used in high-temperature environments? A: Yes, it has an operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

This concludes the encyclopedia entry for SY100EP111UTG-TR.